Love Potions by Tricia Lowther

“Love potions are unethical,” Luna insists.

A snort escapes me. “Oh, come on! They’re harmless fun. If anyone believes they actually work, then more fool them!”

She glares. “It’s wrong to encourage the idea. It’s wrong to make someone love you against their will.”

When I inherited Aunt Maggie’s Witchcraft Emporium, I found it hilarious. I’d never believed in any of that nonsense.

But people pay big money for a little hope, for bottles of herbs in oil. Love potions are our best sellers.

Luna sips her herbal tea, drops her shoulders, smiles. I silently thank the makers of Captivitea.


Tricia Lowther is a freelance writer from Northern England. She’s had non-fiction, fiction and poetry published in a variety of print and online venues that include The Guardian, New Republic, Ms Magazine, Writer’s Forum, and EVENT. She’s on Twitter at @TrishLowt.

Maura Yzmore

I’m a Midwest-based short-story writer focusing on dark speculative fiction (weird fiction, horror, and dark sci-fi). I also write angsty, steamy romance under the pen name Fiona Embers.