Shotgun Wedding by Mark Budman

The guests enter the wedding hall one by one. Two burly men with shotguns check everyone’s temperature.

The bride wears a genuine N-95 mask, a platinum crown, and a dress made of toilet paper.

The groom is naked. He says he wears an Organic French Lavender Sanitizer tuxedo. He lies.

The groom and the bride recite vows. One of the burly men shoots a sneezing guest.

The burly men lock the door and set up the two-week counter. Most guests fall asleep.

The bride and the groom have sex on the bench. A guest records it. The video goes viral.


Mark Budman is a first-generation immigrant. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Witness, Five Points, Guernica/PEN, American Scholar, Huffington Post, Mississippi Review, Virginia Quarterly, and elsewhere. He is publisher of the flash fiction magazine Vestal Review. His novel My Life at First Try was published by Counterpoint Press.
Website: Twitter: @vrflash

Maura Yzmore

I’m a Midwest-based short-story writer focusing on dark speculative fiction (weird fiction, horror, and dark sci-fi). I also write angsty, steamy romance under the pen name Fiona Embers.